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Presentation & Public Speaking

“First impressions are lasting impressions”

Few people enjoy speaking in front of an audience, yet in business, there inevitably comes a day when you will have to if you want to promote your business effectively.

Nervousness and a lack of experience can take the shine off a presentation or speech, no matter how much preparation has been made.  Yet this first impression can make the difference between success and failure and if you don’t get the first impression right customers don’t come back!

Kim can help give you self-confidence, eliminate any bad habits and show you that public speaking can be fun!  Learn how to prepare and deliver your speech with perfect poise and some of the many “tricks of the trade” - all of which will help you gain confidence and give your business that vital competitive edge.

Whether you are new to public speaking or a managing director who just wants to brush up on your skills, there’s no escape from today’s trend towards a more image conscious business community.  

Clients who have completed the presentation and public speaking courses with Kim include the Principality Building Society, Chesterton International, South Glamorgan TEC and Powys County Council.

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