Kim Marks
One of the most familiar voices in Welsh broadcasting
Steve Austins, Co-Founder of Bengo Media and a former Head of BBC Radio Wales:
"For any listener, a radio continuity announcer needs to sound like the captain of a ship - calm, authoritative, in control. Kim had all of these qualities when she was reading the news or linking from one BBC Radio Wales programme to another. She is an incredibly talented vocal performer and a pleasure to work with too."
Nigel Roberts, Group Managing Director, Paramount Interiors:
"Kim has a skill for understanding us as a business and how we wish to be portrayed to our marketplace. Her style and her many contacts in the media have been a very important part of Paramount’s strategy over the years.”
Peter Umbleja, Senior Partner, BPU Accountants:
“Kim’s excellent connections with the media business in South Wales helped to ensure our profile was significantly increased at a crucial time in the development of the practice. She was a pleasure to work with.”
Neil Wilson, Operations Director, Jennifer Griffiths Recruitment:
“We’re really pleased with what Kim has been able to achieve for us in such a short space of time. We’ll recommend her without any hesitation. A big thank you Kim and keep up the good work!”
Frank Holmes, Senior Partner, Gambit Corporate Finance:
“Kim helped us increase our profile both locally and nationally. We have no hesitation in recommending her work and have very much valued her input.”
South Wales Society of Chartered Accountants (SWSCA):
“We have been very impressed with Kim and can highly recommend her work. She has certainly increased our profile"